I thought I would try out this 'blogging' business and see what it involves and how it works out.
Why The Curious Vet? Well, I retired from the profession some 15 years ago and since that time I have had a lot of fun teaching members of the Third Age how to use their home computers. So far I have successfully taught more than five pupils over the age of ninety. Anyone over that age who wants to learn to use a computer has a very active mind and their life stories enthrall me. I am a great collector of trivial pieces of information - the central pole of the Copenhagen Town Hall clock takes 25,753 years to make one complete revolution. I didn't say they were useful pieces of information!
I am looking forward to the publication of my first book on October 17th - Computing for the Older & Wiser - if you are interested. You can find out more at http://tinyurl.com/6rrk77
I have always enjoyed writing and I have had the good fortune to have had a number of newspaper and magazine articles published in the past. I have also written three novels but without publishing success. Looking back at the first two novels I can see perfectly well why no-one was interested in their publication. The third one is definitely better but I am going to stick with computer teaching handbooks for the time being. In fact I am in the process of developing a second teaching manual to follow up the initial publication.
The next hurdle to cross is a video interview that the publishers, John Wiley & Sons, want to make and publish on the web in support of the book. I have no idea what this entails but it will be a new experience and even at the age of 69 I am all in favour of those.
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